堪培拉大学(http://www.canberra.ac.cn)成立于1967年,前身是堪培拉高等教育学院(CCAE),经过不断的发展壮大,于1990年正式成为大学。 堪培拉大学充分利用前身CCAE的办学经验和优势,在培养学生职业技能的同时,不断提高自身教学质量和创新能力,并确立了在澳大利亚的领先地位(教学水平在澳洲排名位列第八)。该大学正在逐步发展成为一所富有活力、前瞻性强的高等学府。
堪培拉大学(http://www.canberra.ac.cn)其下设3个学部:商学、法学与信息科学学部,传媒与教育学部,健康、设计和科学学部,共招收了来自81个国家的学生,是澳大利亚最具多元文化特色的大学之一。 堪培拉大学是英联邦大学协会的成员,与国际上40多所院校联合办学,科研实力雄厚,这也使得该大学学生有机会去国外学习和交流。 该大学高品质的课程设置、美丽的校园环境与卓越的地理位置吸引了众多留学生的注意。
Course Name |
Duration |
Start period |
Bachelor of Advertising and Marketing Communication |
4 semesters |
Second year |
Bachelor of Achitecture |
2 semesters |
Second / Final year |
Master of Achitecture |
2 semesters |
Second / Final year |
Bachelor of Business Informatics |
240 hours |
Final year |
Bachelor of Business Administration |
One unit - Enterpreneurship |
Bachelor of Building and Construction Management |
1-2 semesters |
Final year |
Bachelor of Environment Science |
112.5 hours |
Final year |
Bachelor of Industrial Design |
Master of Industrial Design |
Through the whole degree |
Bachelor of IT |
120 hours |
Final year |
Bachelor of Software Engineering |
120 hours |
Final year |
Bachelor of Journalism |
75 hours |
Final year |
Master of Landscape Architecture |
Through the whole degree |
Bachelor of Public Relations |
150 hours |
Final year |
Bachelor of Sports Management |
Year long |
Final year |
Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning |
75 hours |
Final year |
Bachelor of Nursing |
Through the whole degree |
Master of Nutrition and Dietetics |
Year long |
Final year |
Master of Pharmacy |
Year long |
Final year |
Master of Clinical Psychology |
Through the whole degree |
Master of Physiotherapy |
Through the whole degree |