(1)Diploma of Arts 人文专业
需要完成8门课程:1门核心课(Academic Communication in the Social Sciences and Humanities);7门选修课(从14门课程中选7门)
完成本科文凭课程,第二年所衔接的学士学位课程:Bachelor of Arts
(2)Diploma of Communication 传媒专业
需要完成8门课程:1门核心课(Academic Communication in the Social Sciences and Humanities);3门限选课(从6门课程中选3门);4门选修课(从8门课中选4门)
完成本科文凭课程,第二年所衔接的学士学位课程:Bachelor of Arts – Media
(3)Diploma of Electronic Engineering 电子工程专业
完成本科文凭课程,第二年所衔接的学士学位课程:Bachelor of Engineering (Computer, Electronics, Software, Telecommunications, Mechatronics or Wireless Engineering)
(4)Diploma of Computing 计算机专业
需要完成8门课程:3门核心课(Academic Communication in Science, Introduction to Computer Science, Introduction to Systems Design and Data Management),5门选修课(从14门课中选5门)
完成本科文凭课程,第二年所衔接的学士学位课程:Bachelor of Information Technology, Bachelor of eBusiness
(5)Diploma of Commerce 商学专业
完成本科文凭课程,第二年所衔接的学士学位课程:Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Economics, Bachelor of Applied Finance, Bachelor of Actuarial Studies, Bachelor of Business Administration
(6)Diploma of Business Administration 工商管理专业
完成本科文凭课程,第二年所衔接的学士学位课程:Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Economics, Bachelor of Business Administration