

2014-07-05 10:02:52 澳大利亚留学云 4008-941-360













职业清单更新日期 申请开始日期 申请结束日期(申请开始日期后4至6周内)

7月14日          7月14日      8月11日-25日

10月1日          10月14日     11月11日-25日

1月7日           1月19日      2月16日-3月2日

4月1日           4月14日      5月12日-26日










[485.223]   When the application was made, it was accompanied by evidence that the applicant had applied for an assessment of the applicant’s skills for the nominated skilled occupation by a relevant assessing authority.


[(1) repealed/substituted by MLA(2014MNo.1)R 2014 with effect on and from 01/07/2014 - transitional/application see Sch 13 3102 - LEGEND note]

[485.224] (1)  At the time of application:

(a)    the skills of the applicant for the applicant’s nominated skilled occupation had been assessed by a relevant assessing authority as suitable for that occupation; and

(b)    if the assessment specified a period during which the assessment was valid, and the period did not end more than 3 years after the date of the assessment — the period had not ended; and





从2014年7月1日起,技术职业提名名单将增加厨师(ANZSCO 351311)、砖匠(ANZSCO 331111)、墙和地板瓦工(ANZSCO 333411)三大职业。

从2014年7月1日起,合并的提名职业名单将增加水文地质学家(ANZSCO 234413)和运动生理学家(ANZSCO 234915)两项职业。

另外,名单上的轮船检验员(Ship‘s Surveyor)更改为船舶检验员(Marine Surveyor);普通执业医师(General Medical Practitioner)被更改为普通医师(General Practitioner)。对于2014年7月1日起开始申请的移民签证,一些提名职业的评估及机构将发生改变。其中,护士长(Nurse Manager ANZSCO 254311)的评审机构更改为澳大利亚护士和助产士认证委员会(ANMAC);护士导师(Nurse Educator ANZSCO 254211)的评估机构更改为澳大利亚护士和助产士认证委员会;护士研究员(Nurse Researcher ANZSCO 254212)的评估机构更改为澳大利亚护士和助产士认证委员会;其它海事交通专职人员(Marine Transport Professional not elsewhere classified ANZSCO 231299)的评估机构改为职业教育和培训评估服务中心(VETASSESS)。


Occupation ANZSCO Code Assessing Authority
Construction Project Manager 133111 VETASSESS
Project Builder 133112 VETASSESS
Engineering Manager 133211 Engineers Australia/AIM
Production Manager (Mining) 133513 VETASSESS
Child Care Centre Manager 134111 TRA
Medical Administrator 134211 VETASSESS
Nursing Clinical Director 134212 ANMAC
Primary Health Organisation Manager 134213 VETASSESS
Welfare Centre Manager 134214 ACWA/VETASSESS
Accountant (General) 221111 CPA/ICAA/IPA
Management Accountant 221112 CPA/ICAA/IPA
Taxation Accountant 221113 CPA/ICAA/IPA
External Auditor 221213 CPA/ICAA/IPA
Internal Auditor 221214 VETASSESS
Actuary 224111 VETASSESS
Land Economist 224511 VETASSESS
Valuer 224512 VETASSESS
Ship's Engineer 231212 AMSA
Ship's Master 231213 AMSA
Ship's Officer 231214 AMSA
Architect 232111 AACA
Landscape Architect 232112 VETASSESS
Cartographer 232213 VETASSESS
Other Spatial Scientist 232214 VETASSESS
Surveyor 232212 SSSI
Urban and Regional Planner 232611


Chemical Engineer 233111

Engineers Australia

Materials Engineer 233112 Engineers Australia
Civil Engineer 233211 Engineers Australia
Geotechnical Engineer 233212 Engineers Australia
Quantity Surveyor 233213 AIQS
Structural Engineer 233214 Engineers Australia
Transport Engineer 233215 Engineers Australia
Electrical Engineer 233311 Engineers Australia
Electronics Engineer 233411 Engineers Australia
Industrial Engineer 233511 Engineers Australia
Mechanical Engineer 233512 Engineers Australia
Production or Plant Engineer 233513 Engineers Australia
Mining Engineer (Excluding Petroleum) 233611 Engineers Australia
Petroleum Engineer 233612 Engineers Australia
Aeronautical Engineer 233911 Engineers Australia
Agricultural Engineer 233912 Engineers Australia
Biomedical Engineer 233913 Engineers Australia
Engineering Technologist 233914 Engineers Australia
Environmental Engineer 233915 Engineers Australia
Naval Architect 233916 Engineers Australia
Agricultural Consultant 234111 VETASSESS
Agricultural Scientist 234112 VETASSESS
Forester 234113 VETASSESS
Medical Laboratory Scientist 234611 AIMS
Veterinarian 234711 AVBC
Metallurgist 234912 VETASSESS
Physicist (Medical Physicist only) 234914 ACPSEM
Early Childhood (Pre-Primary School) Teacher 241111 NOOSR/AITSL
Secondary School  Teacher 241411 NOOSR/AITSL
Special Needs Teacher 241511 AITSL
Teacher of the Hearing Impaired 241512 AITSL
Teacher of the Sight Impaired 241513 AITSL
Special Education Teachers nec 241599 AITSL
Medical Diagnostic Radiographer 251211 AIR
Medical Radiation Therapist 251212 AIR
Nuclear Medicine Technologist 251213 ANZSNM
Sonographer 251214 AIR
Environmental Health Officer 251311 VETASSESS
Occupational Health and Safety Adviser 251312 VETASSESS
Optometrist 251411 OCANZ
Chiropractor 252111 CCEA
Osteopath 252112 ANZOC
Dental Specialist 252311 ADC
Dentist 252312 ADC
Occupational Therapist 252411 OTC
Physiotherapist 252511 APC
Podiatrist 252611 APodC/ANZPAC
Speech Pathologist 252712 SPA
General Practitioner 253111 Medical Board of Australia
Anaesthetist 253211 Medical Board of Australia
Specialist Physician (General Medicine) 253311 Medical Board of Australia
Cardiologist 253312 Medical Board of Australia
Clinical Haematologist 253313 Medical Board of Australia
Medical Oncologist 253314 Medical Board of Australia
Endocrinologist 253315 Medical Board of Australia
Gastroenterologist 253316 Medical Board of Australia
Intensive Care Specialist 253317 Medical Board of Australia
Neurologist 253318 Medical Board of Australia
Paediatrician 253321 Medical Board of Australia
Renal Medicine Specialist 253322 Medical Board of Australia
Rheumatologist 253323 Medical Board of Australia
Thoracic Medicine Specialist 253324 Medical Board of Australia
Specialist Physicians nec 253399 Medical Board of Australia
Psychiatrist 253411 Medical Board of Australia
Surgeon (General) 253511 Medical Board of Australia
Cardiothoracic Surgeon 253512 Medical Board of Australia
Neurosurgeon 253513 Medical Board of Australia
Orthopaedic Surgeon 253514 Medical Board of Australia
Otorhinolaryngologist 253515 Medical Board of Australia
Paediatric Surgeon 253516 Medical Board of Australia
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon 253517 Medical Board of Australia
Urologist 253518 Medical Board of Australia
Vascular Surgeon 253521 Medical Board of Australia
Dermatologist 253911 Medical Board of Australia
Emergency Medicine Specialist 253912 Medical Board of Australia
Obstetrician and Gynaecologist 253913 Medical Board of Australia
Ophthalmologist 253914 Medical Board of Australia
Pathologist 253915 Medical Board of Australia
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiologist 253917 Medical Board of Australia
Radiation Oncologist 253918 Medical Board of Australia
Medical Practitioners nec 253999 Medical Board of Australia
Midwife 254111 ANMAC
Nurse Practitioner 254411 ANMAC
Registered Nurse (Aged Care) 254412 ANMAC
Registered Nurse (Child and Family Health) 254413 ANMAC
Registered Nurse (Community Health) 254414 ANMAC
Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency) 254415 ANMAC
Registered Nurse (Developmental Disability) 254416 ANMAC
Registered Nurse (Disability and Rehabilitation) 254417 ANMAC
Registered Nurse (Medical) 254418 ANMAC
Registered Nurse (Medical Practice) 254421 ANMAC
Registered Nurse (Mental Health) 254422 ANMAC
Registered Nurse (Perioperative) 254423 ANMAC
Registered Nurse (Surgical) 254424 ANMAC
Registered Nurse (Paediatrics) 254425 ANMAC
Registered Nurses nec 254499 ANMAC
ICT business Analyst 261111 ACS
Systems Analyst 261112 ACS
Analyst Programmer 261311 ACS
Developer Programmer 261312 ACS
Software Engineer 261313 ACS
Computer Network and Systems Engineer 263111 ACS
Telecommunications Engineer 263311 Engineers Australia
Telecommunications Network Engineer 263312 Engineers Australia
Barrister 271111 SLAA
Solicitor 271311 SLAA
Clinical Psychologist 272311 APS
Educational Psychologist 272312 APS
Organisational Psychologist 272313 APS
Psychotherapist 272314 VETASSESS
Psychologists nec 272399 APS
Social Worker 272511 AASW
Civil Engineering Draftsperson 312211 Engineers Australia/ VETASSESS
Civil Engineering Technician 312212 VETASSESS
Electrical Engineering Draftsperson 312311 Engineers Australia
Electrical Engineering Technician 312312 TRA
Radio Communications Technician 313211 TRA
Telecommunications Field Engineer 313212 Engineers Australia
Telecommunications Network Planner 313213 Engineers Australia
Telecommunications Technical Officer or Technologist 313214 Engineers Australia
Automotive Electrician 321111 TRA
Motor Mechanic (General) 321211 TRA
Diesel Motor Mechanic 321212 TRA
Motorcycle Mechanic 321213 TRA
Small Engine Mechanic 321214 TRA
Sheetmetal Trades Worker 322211 TRA
Metal Fabricator 322311 TRA
Pressure Welder 322312 TRA
Welder (First Class) 322313 TRA
Fitter (General) 323211 TRA
Fitter and Turner 323212 TRA
Fitter-Welder 323213 TRA
Metal Machinist (First Class) 323214 TRA
Locksmith 323313 TRA
Bricklayer 331111 TRA
Stonemason 331112 TRA
Carpenter and Joiner 331211 TRA
Carpenter 331212 TRA
Joiner 331213 TRA
Painting trades workers 332211 TRA
Glazier 333111 TRA
Fibrous Plasterer 333211 TRA
Solid Plasterer 333212 TRA
Wall and Floor Tiler 333411 TRA
Plumber (General) 334111 TRA
Airconditioning and Mechanical Services Plumber 334112 TRA
Drainer 334113 TRA
Gasfitter 334114 TRA
Roof plumber 334115 TRA
Electrician (General) 341111 TRA
Electrician (Special Class) 341112 TRA
Lift Mechanic 341113 TRA
Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic 342111 TRA
Electrical Linesworker 342211 TRA
Technical Cable Jointer 342212 TRA
Electronic Equipment Trades Worker 342313 TRA
Electronic Instrument Trades Worker (General) 342314 TRA
Electronic Instrument Trades Worker (Special Class) 342315 TRA
Chef*** 厨师不包括快餐连锁店和外卖店 351311 TRA
Boat Builder and Repairer 399111 TRA
Shipwright 399112 TRA
Dental Hygienist 411211 VETASSESS
Dental Prosthetist 411212 TRA
Dental Technician 411213 TRA
Dental Therapist 411214 VETASSESS

第四个变化:关于Pro Rata定额制度

之前公布的IT商业和系统分析师/会计/程序员这三大热门专业2014-15财政年度要实行Pro Rata定额制度,Pro Rata意为按月分配邀请额度,确保大家都有机会,即此三类专业每月的移民配额发布有限,相比去年没有限制的情况,今年随着每月将会有更多65分的申请人增加,60分获邀的几率将会相对减少;概括一下就是,分高者先得,手快者次得!


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