Bachelor degrees 本科学位
2 plus 2 (or 3 plus 1) arrangements with partner universities 联合办学项目
Masters degrees by coursework 授课式硕士
Masters degrees by research 研究式硕士
PhDs 博士
English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) and/or foundation and other preparatory courses, including Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses, which are explicitly packaged with an eligible university course at the time when the offer of enrolment is made 语言 + 预科 / 专科 + 本科
Semester or year long non-award courses at an Australian university as part of their home university’s degree course and/or as part of an agreed student exchange between Universities.
× short courses 短期课程
× Associate degrees 副学位
× Graduate diplomas 研究生文凭
× Graduate certificates 研究生证书
× Diplomas and Advanced Diplomas 文凭和高级文凭
× non-award course*cept as mentioned above) 无学历课程
× courses below Bachelor level delivered by universities which are dualsector (VET and Universities ) 双层次大学(提供技工专科和本科的大学)本科层次以下课程。
1 )虚假材料拒签率 28% ;
2 )其他因素拒签率 8% ;
3 )签证取消率 28% ;
4 )逾期滞留率 28% ;
5 )申请某些签证(如难民)率 8% 。
各校有可能在出 ECOE 时会要求学生一些资金方面的文件。对于DIY申请的学生,今后学校有可能不会接受。