澳大利亚昆士兰大学(The University of Queensland)从2009年12月7号起,对申请COMMERCE的申请者实行新的入学要求。新的入学要求:申请Master of Commerce 和Master of Commerce(Advanced),211大学毕业的学生要求平均成绩75分以上;非211大学的学生入学要求提高到85分。其他专业的入学要求保持不变。
UQ Degree
Chinese Bachelor degree with average grade greater than or equal to (60% is a pass)
Master of Commerce Master of Commerce (Advanced)
75% (for 211 Universities or partners) 85% (for non 211 Universities)
UQ Degree
Chinese Bachelor degree with average grade greater than or equal to (60% is a pass)
Master of Applied Law
Master of Laws
Master of Business
Master of Business Administration
Master of Business Economics
Master of Development Economics
Master of Health Economics
Master of International Economics and Finance
Master of International Hotel and Tourism Management Master of Technology & Innovation Management
Master of Project Management
Master of Property Management
Master of Property Studies Master (Advanced) in the above fields
75% (for 211 Universities or partners) 80% (for non 211 Universities)