

2014-11-25 12:02:01 澳大利亚留学云 4008-941-360






留学360旗下澳大利亚教育联盟金牌留学顾问朴锡春老师介绍,斯威本科技大学法律系座落在墨尔本东区近郊Hawthorn 校区,提供法律本科学位以及联合法律学位的课程。这使学生可以工作在更广泛的领域例如传媒,广告,以及网络公司或咨询公司等等。学校将采用最新科技建设一个最现代化的模拟辩护法庭Moot Court,帮助学生在真实的环境中掌握律师辩护技能。

斯威本大学的法律专业将有3种形式教学,第一种是LLB法律本科,第二种是和其他课程混合的双学位课程,第三种是3年的毕业生Juris Doctor法律硕士课程。


斯威本科技大学 办学历史悠久,建校至今已逾百年。本校有六大校区,并开办一系列高质量教学课程,涉及领域十分广泛;全日制在校生超过 3 万人,包括来自 100 多个国家的 7000 余名国际学生。斯威本大学高度重视国际学生对学校发展的作用,并认为全球化的教育理念乃是学生走向成功的核心要素。








Australia‘s newest law school ready for students in 2015

Australia’s newest law school is preparing for its first intake of students in 2015 after receiving approval from the Council of Legal Education.

Swinburne Law School, located at Swinburne University of Technology’s Hawthorn campus, will offer students the choice of being able to undertake a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) or combined law degrees.

Swinburne’s LLB has a distinctive orientation towards commercial law with a unique specialisation in intellectual property law.

This specialisation will equip students for careers in the new knowledge economy, giving them the skills to work in media and entertainment, design, branding and advertising, and in internet companies and firms advising information-dependent industries.

Dean of Swinburne Law School, Professor Dan Hunter, said a feature of the LLB and combined law degrees will be the requirement for students to undertake professional work experience commencing in their first year.

“This will provide valuable firsthand experience of legal practice while also making a direct contribution to the community and profession,” Professor Hunter said.

“Swinburne Law School will have a moot court with the latest in courtroom technology, providing students with the opportunity to hone skills in a real-world environment.

“We are going to be introducing our new law students to practical skills right from the start, with a five-day introductory program which will culminate in moot court hearings.

“Right from the beginning we will reflect Swinburne’s commitment to applied learning.”

The Faculty of Business and Law’s Executive Dean, Professor Michael Gilding, said Swinburne Law School is linked to the university’s vision to be a leader in science, technology and innovation, and its focus will be on innovation, creativity and intellectual property.

“By establishing the law school at Swinburne we have increased our research capacity, especially around legal issues involved in engineering, design or taking new products to the market,” Professor Gilding said.

“This has widened our repertoire of skill and expertise within the university and we are committed to filtering what we learn into our degrees.

“We will be focusing on legal issues surrounding innovation and we have centred our resources on commercialisation, intellectual property, social innovation and philanthropy.

“Add to this our focus on creativity and technology, and we have a very strong industry and applied focus.”

The Swinburne LLB will be offered in three forms: an LLB for school leavers; an LLB as part of a combined degree course; and a three-year degree for graduates.

It is expected that there will be an intake of around 100 students to the Swinburne Law School in 2015 and each year thereafter.

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