

2015-12-20 16:33:31 澳大利亚留学云 4008-941-360






这个名单的作用就是界定申请人能否走573高等教育学生签证的简化流程的标准之一。我们知道简化流程的好处在于签证申请时,原则上不需要提供担保金和语言成绩。这为申请人在准备签证材料上节约的大量的时间和精力,也从一定程度上降低了签证材料准备的难度。573签证简化流程的两个标准:1)所读主课为本科学士学位或授课硕士学位; 2)主课的提供机构必须是SVP学校名单下的一所大学(黑体字部分),如果申请人有多个课程,主课之前的课程提供机构也必须是SVP名单内主课大学所对应教育机构。


Deakin University 迪肯大学

Box Hill Institute 02411J

Chisholm Institute 00881F

Gordon Institute of TAFE 00011G

Holmesglen, Holmesglen institute 00012G

Deakin College 01590J

如果想走573签证简化流程,那么首先我们的主课必须是迪肯大学的本科或授课硕士,其次,如果在主课之前有桥梁课程,如语言课程,预科课程,硕士预科课程等等,那么这些课程的提供机构只能在下面的5个学校中选择,每一个学校对应一个CRICOS代码,如Deakin College对应的代码是01590J。换句话说,即使我们的主课是迪肯大学的本科或授课硕士,但是主课之前的桥梁课程不是这5个学校的,那么我们也不能走签证简化流程。还是必须要按照普通573签证方式提供材料,即需要提供担保金及语言成绩。



Charles Sturt University 查尔斯多大学

Canberra Institute of Technology 00001K

Study Group Australia 01682E

TAFE NSW Technical and Further Education Commission, TAFE NSW Higher Education 00591E

Macquarie University 麦考瑞大学

Macquarie University English Language Centre 02942D

Navitas English 00289M

Sydney Institute of Business and Technology 01576G

TAFE NSW Technical and Further Education Commission,TAFE NSW Higher Education 00591E

The University of New England 新英格兰大学

The University of New South Wales 新南威尔士大学

UNSW Global and UNSW Institute of Languages01020K

The University of Newcastle 纽卡斯尔大学

Newcastle International College (NIC) 03293B

TAFE NSW Technical and Further Education Commission,TAFE NSW Higher Education 00591E

The University of Sydney 悉尼大学

Study Group Australia Pty Limited 01682E

Centre for English Teaching 01019C

University of Technology Sydney 悉尼科技大学


TAFE NSW Technical and Further Education Commission,TAFE NSW Higher Education 00591E

University of Western Sydney 西悉尼大学

TAFE NSW Technical and Further Education Commission,TAFE NSW Higher Education 00591E

UWS College02851G

University of Wollongong 卧龙岗大学

Australian International College of English02834G

UOW College 02723D

Navitas English 00289M

Universal Education Centre P/L 00053J

International Institute of Business and Technology Australia 03345F

Southern Cross University 南十字星大学

TAFE Queensland Gold Coast 03037G

TAFE NSW Technical and Further Education Commission,TAFE NSW Higher Education 00591E

ELS Universal English College 00053J

Universal English College 00053J

ELS Sydney 00053J

Chopperline Flight Training 00296A

Coastline Flight Training 00296A

Airways Aviation 00296A

Browns English Language School 02663M

Browns Professional 02663M

Byron Bay English Language School 02219J

Sydney College of English 00050A

Strathfield College 02736K

Sydney Jacaranda College 02736K

Cambridge International College 01718J


Victoria University 维多利亚大学

Asia Pacific International College 03048D

The English Language School in Sydney (ELSIS) 02644C

Kangan Institute01218G

Zenith Business Academy02997M

Box Hill Institute02411J

Chisholm Institute00881F

Federation University Australia 澳大利亚联邦大学(原巴拉瑞特大学)

Academies Australasia Polytechnic Pty Limited 02439G

Australian Technical And Management College Pty Ltd03013D

Discover English 03262J

International Institute of Business & Information Technology 01917B

IIBIT Academy of English 01917B

MIT - Melbourne Institute of Technology 01545C

MIT Sydney Language Centre 02814A

Melbourne Institute of Technology 03245K

Sunraysia Institute of TAFE 01985A

TAFE NSW Technical and Further Education Commission,TAFE NSW Higher Education 00591E

Wodonga Institute of TAFE 01961J

Swan Institute Australia 03376K

Academy of English and Academy of English (Blue Mountains) 02399M

La Trobe University 拉筹伯大学

Bendigo TAFE 03059A

Box Hill Institute 02411J

Chisholm Institute 00881F

Kangan Institute 01218G

La Trobe Melbourne 03312D

Navitas English 00289M

APM College of Business and Communication 01985A

Australasian College of Natural Therapies 01985A

Billy Blue College of Design 01985A

Jansen Newman Institute 01985A

Southern School of Natural Therapies 01985A

William Blue College of Hospitality Management 01985A

Australian National College 00246MSunraysia Institute of TAFE 01985A

Monash University 莫纳什大学

Monash University English Language Centre 01857J

Monash College 01857J

RMIT University 皇家墨尔本理工大学

RMIT English Worldwide 01912G

Swinburne University of Technology 斯文本科技大学

The University of Melbourne 墨尔本大学

Hawthorn – Melbourne 02931G

Trinity College 00709G

Deakin University 迪肯大学

Box Hill Institute 02411J

Chisholm Institute00881F

Gordon Institute of TAFE 00011G

Holmesglen, Holmesglen institute 00012G

Deakin College01590J


Bond University 邦德大学

International Institute of Business and Technology Australia 03345F

Study Group Australia Pty Limited 01682E

Griffith University 格里菲斯大学

TAFE Queensland Gold Coast 03037G

QIBT 01737F

TAFE Queensland Brisbane 03020E

James Cook University 詹姆士库克大学

Sarina Russo Institute 00607

unio Institute of Language 02529F

Barrier Reef Institute of TAFE 02001E

TAFE Queensland North 02012B

Navitas English 00289M

Queensland University of Technology 昆士兰理工大学

TAFE Queensland Gold Coast 03037G

TAFE Queensland Brisbane 03020E

John Paul College 00500B

John Paul International College 00500B

The University of Queensland 昆士兰大学

International Education Services Ltd 01697J

The University of Queensland (ICTE-UQ) 00091C

University of Southern Queensland 南昆士兰大学

Aviation Australia02425C

Canterbury Technical Institute Pty Ltd 02938M

Canterbury Business College 01899K

TAFE Queensland Gold Coast 03037G

TAFE Queensland Brisbane 03020E

Canterbury Language Academy 02534J

Eurocentres – Sydney 02534J

TAFE Queensland South West 02011C

TAFE Queensland SkillsTech 02014M

University of the Sunshine Coast 阳光海岸大学

Lexis English Brisbane 02499G

TAFE Queensland Brisbane 03020E

Lexis English Noosa 01632D

Lexis English Sunshine Coast 01632D

Browns English Language 02663M

Browns Professional 02663M

TAFE Queensland East Coast 02004B

Wide Bay Institute of TAFE 02013A

Queensland Academy of Technology02746G


Flinders University 弗林德斯大学

Intensive English Language Institute 02916F

Educational Enterprises Australia P/L 00561M

South Australian College of English Pty Ltd 00094M

Study Group Australia Pty Limited 01682E

TAFE South Australia 00092B

English College of Adelaide 00989E

The University of Adelaide 阿德莱德大学

Educational Enterprises Australia P/L 00561M

Kaplan Business School Pty Ltd 02426B

TAFE South Australia 00092B

University of South Australia 南澳大学

Educational Enterprises Australia P/L 00561M

Navitas English 00289M

Navitas English Pty Ltd 00031D

South Australian Institute of Business and Technology (SAIBT)/CELUSA 02193C

TAFE South Australia 00092B

Carnegie Mellon University 卡耐基梅隆大学

Intensive English Language Institute 02916F

South Australian College of English Pty Ltd 00094M


Curtin University of Technology 科廷科技大学

Canning College 00463B

Curtin College 02042G

Comprehensive Education Centre Pty Ltd 00429D

Education and Training International 00020G

Phoenix Academy 00066D

International Institute of Business and Technology Australia 03345F

Navitas English 00289M

Perth International College of English 02368G

Australian Institute of Commerce & Technology 02540M

Central Institute of Technology 03403A

Edith Cowan University 埃迪斯科文大学

Canning College 00463B

Education and Training International 00020G

International Institute of Business and Technology Australia 03345F

Phoenix Academy 00066D

Perth International College of English 02368G

Perth Institute of Business & Technology 01312J

Murdoch University 默多克大学

Canning College 00463B

St George’s International School 00429D

Murdoch College International 00429D

Murdoch Institute of Technology 03127E

Murdoch Language Centre 03127E

Phoenix Academy 00066D

Education and Training International 00020G

Perth International College of English02368G

The University of Notre Dame Australia 圣母大学

The University of Western Australia 西澳大学

Alexander Language School00057E

Canning College00463B

St George’s International School 00429D

Murdoch College International 00429D

Education and Training International 00020G

Perth International College of English 02368

Tuart College00465M

Phoenix Academy 00066D

Study Group Australia Pty Limited 01682E

Academies Australasia Institute Pty Limited 02439G

Discover English 03262J

Clarendon Business College Pty Ltd 01953J

Language links 02139J


Australian National University 澳洲国立大学

Study Group Australia Pty Limited 01682E

University of Canberra 堪培拉大学

Academies Australasia Institute 02398A

Academies Australasia Polytechnic Pty Limited 02439G

Holmes Institute02727M

Holmes Institute02767C

Holmes Institute02639M

Macquarie Education Group Australia Pty Ltd 02657J

Ozford College of Business 02573B

Ozford College02427AO

zford English Language Centre Pty Ltd 02501G

Study Group Australia Pty Limited01682E

TAFE NSW Technical and Further Education Commission,TAFE NSW Higher Education 00591E

Academy of English and Academy of English (Blue Mountains) 02399M

TAFE Queensland Brisbane 03020E


University of Tasmania 塔斯马尼亚大学

Government Education and Training International Tasmania 03041M

Australian Catholic University 澳洲天主教大学

Box Hill Institute02411J

TAFE Queensland Brisbane03020E

TAFE NSW Technical and Further Education Commission,TAFE NSW Higher Education 00591E

Central Queensland University 中央昆士兰大学

Australian Pacific College Brisbane 03297J

TAFE NSW Technical and Further Education Commission,TAFE NSW Higher Education 00591E

Australian Pacific College 01331F

Southern Cross High School 01331F

College of Innovation and Industry Skills,The Cantillon Institute 03022C

TAFE Queensland East Coast 02004B

Academia International & Academia Australia 02634E

TAFE Queensland Brisbane 03020E

International Institute of Business and Technology Australia 03345F


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