a.四个课程Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Biomedical Science 的高考要求为总分的70%;
b.Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) 要求为高考总分的90%;
2.2018年开始将取消Bachelor of Design, 下设专业将移至Bachelor of Arts下
3.2018年开始将新增Bachelor of Biomedical Science
申请注意事项:其中Honors,Direct pathway课程对学生的高考成绩要求更高。例如申请bachelor ofscience+MPE要求学生高考成绩78%以上。本硕连读的课程方向有:Engineering(3+2),Architecture(3+2),Teaching(3+2),Social work(3+2),JD(3+3),Healthscience(3+2,3+3)
The entry requirement for Gaokao students stays the same as 2016 and are listed as below:
·4 basic bachelor degrees Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Biomedical Science: 70% of Gaokao full mark, e.g 750, we require 525
·Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours): 90% of Gaokao full mark
·Direct pathways will require higher score as below:
·MPE, Master of Architecture, Master of Landscape Architecture, Master of Social work, Master of Teaching: 78% of Gaokao
·Master of Translation studies: 75%
·Master of Pharmacy, Doctor of Pediatric Medicine: 82%
·Doctor of Medicine, Doctor od Dental Medicine: 86%
·Juris Doctor: 88%
·Psycology (honours): 84%
Updates for bachelor degrees:
·We will cancel Bachelor of Design degree in 2018. All design majors will be under bachelor of arts
·New Bachelor of Biomedical Science in 2018: 11 biomedical science relevant majors which were under bachelor of scienc are moved to the new degree.Please refer to the attached presentation for the new degree.
Regarding the application fee waive. We will extend the deadline to 15th of September.
西澳大学 (The University of Western Australia,简称UWA) 创校于1911年,于1913年首次招生,为AACSB和EQUIS认证成员,是世界知名研究型大学,世界100强名校。西澳大学是澳洲六所砂岩学府之一,是澳大利亚八校联盟、世界大学联盟、昂宿星大学联盟的核心成员。西澳大学自创校以来,一直是澳洲的最具历史、代表性和实力的著名顶尖研究型大学之一。西澳大学坐落于西澳大利亚州首府珀斯(多年被评为“世界最宜居城市之一”)。西澳大利亚洲以工矿业闻名世界,是只有澳大利亚11%人口,却创造并支撑全澳经济近50%的奋进之州。
西澳大学是澳大利亚八所五星级大学之一。 在最新世界大学排名中,QS世界大学排名世界第93名,ARWU世界大学学术排名世界第96名,USNews世界大学排名世界第95名。在QS世界大学专业排名中,西澳大学海洋科学位列世界第30位,采矿工程第33位,土木工程与结构第37位,农业与林业第38位。另外,如化学工程、会计与金融、生物科学、医学、法律、电气工程等专业,也均进入世界100强。在QS世界大学星级榜中,西澳大学位列世界18所超五星级大学之一。