UTS商学院官宣,将为申请Bachelor of Business和Bachelor of Management的澳大利亚AQP 5级或6级资格证书的毕业证书的毕业生提供24学分(4门课)的入学前豁免。
申请Bachelor of Communication的同学,可以申请豁免课程的专业包括:
Bachelor of Communication (Journalism)*
Bachelor of Communication (Media Arts and Production)*
Bachelor of Communication (Public Communication)*
Bachelor of Communication(Social and Political Sciences)*
Bachelor of Communication (Creative Writing)*
Bachelor of Communication (Digital and Social Media)*
Bachelor of Music and Sound Design
同时也包括Bachelor of Creative Intelligence& Innovation (BCII) 双学位
符合条件的Bachelor of Communication申请人将豁免CBK91115跨学科选修课的学分
符合条件的Bachelor of Music and Sound Design申请人将豁免CBK91142选修课的学分